What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral Neuropathy Doctor Grand Rapids MI

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral Neuropathy Doctor Grand Rapids MI

Do you often experience numbness in your hands or feet that moves into the legs and arms? Have you noticed a loss of balance and coordination over time? If so, it’s time to schedule an appointment with our neuropathy doctor in Grand Rapids, MI. Depending on your symptoms and medical history, Dr. Harrison may diagnose you with peripheral neuropathy.

Here’s what you need to know about peripheral neuropathy and how the Neuropathy Center can help.

Understanding Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is a medical condition that’s caused by damage to the nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord. This damage often happens as a result of a traumatic injury, infection, exposure to toxins, genetics, or metabolic problems.

While each patient is different, one of the most common causes of peripheral neuropathy is diabetes. In fact, about 60% of neuropathy cases are due to poorly controlled diabetes.

Due to the nature of peripheral neuropathy, there are also some patients who may never discover the true cause of their symptoms. This describes about 23% of neuropathy patients.

Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy

There are many symptoms associated with peripheral neuropathy. That’s why it’s important that you schedule an appointment with our Grand Rapids neuropathy doctor as soon as you realize something is wrong with your health and wellbeing.

Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include:

  • Numbness
  • Balance Problems
  • Sharp, Electric-Like Pain
  • Burning or Tingling
  • Difficulty Sleeping from Leg or Foot Discomfort
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Sensitivity to Touch

If you recognize the above symptoms, please call the Neuropathy Center to schedule a consultation with our neuropathy physician. The sooner you call us, the sooner we can relieve your chronic pain and discomfort caused by peripheral neuropathy.

Learn More: 7 Common Symptoms of Neuropathy →

Neuropathy Treatment

Unfortunately, there is no cure for peripheral neuropathy. However, our Grand Rapids neuropathy doctor can recommend a course of treatment to help reduce uncomfortable or painful symptoms that affect your quality of life.

It’s important to understand that peripheral neuropathy is a chronic health condition, which means our neuropathy doctor will need to create a long-term plan that’s tailored to your unique needs.

For this reason, Dr. Harrison will typically start patients out with a 90-day neuropathy treatment plan. Once this period passes, we’ll instruct you on how to continue your treatments at home and will check in with you every three months for as long as you need us.

Our doctor does more than just help you manage your neuropathy symptoms. Dr. Harrison takes a holistic approach to neuropathy treatment to provide lasting pain relief. This allows you to return to your normal routine so you can start living life again—without pain.

Schedule a Neuropathy Consultation

Our neuropathy doctor in Grand Rapids, MI, is accepting new patients. To schedule a consultation with Dr. David Harrison and learn if you’re a candidate for neuropathy treatment, please call the Neuropathy Center at (616) 363-0902. You may also fill out our online contact form and someone from our team will reach out to you soon.