What are the Benefits of Neuropathy Treatment?

Neuropathy Treatment Specialist Grand Rapids MI

What are the Benefits of Neuropathy Treatment?

Neuropathy Treatment Specialist Grand Rapids MI

Do you experience pain, numbness, and balance problems due to neuropathy? If so, it’s time to schedule a consultation with our neuropathy doctor in Grand Rapids, MI. During your appointment, Dr. Harrison will help you explore the benefits of neuropathy treatment so you can make an informed decision for your health and well-being.

Here are some of the benefits you may experience if you choose to move forward with neuropathy treatment. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Harrison Neuropathy Center in Grand Rapids, MI.

Reduce Pain and Discomfort

Is chronic pain preventing you from living the life you want? While there is no cure for peripheral neuropathy, Dr. Harrison can treat the condition to reduce your symptoms and improve your quality of life. Reducing pain and discomfort may also help you gain better quality sleep so you have more energy during the day.

Improve Balance

When you lose sensation in your feet, you also lose your sense of balance. This is because it’s difficult to orient yourself to your environment when you can’t feel your feet. The good news is that neuropathy treatment can help you gradually regain sensation in your feet and improve balance over time. This will help improve your safety and decrease your risk of falls.

Improve Quality of Life

It’s hard to enjoy life when you’re experiencing chronic neuropathy pain. At the Harrison Neuropathy Center, we offer neuropathy treatment to help you gradually reduce symptoms and improve your overall quality of life. Our neuropathy doctor targets the source of your symptoms, as opposed to masking them with medications. This makes all the difference.

Improve Independence

It’s hard to live independently and complete everyday tasks when experiencing neuropathy symptoms. One of the benefits of neuropathy treatment is that we’re able to gradually reduce the severity of your symptoms over time.

Prevent Further Muscle Weakness

One of the side effects of neuropathy is losing muscle strength. As such, you may have already noticed that it’s more difficult to perform everyday tasks, such as opening jars. If this describes your situation, you may be a candidate for neuropathy treatment in Grand Rapids, MI. Call us today to get started on your healing journey.

Improve Quality of Sleep

Does leg or foot discomfort make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep? If so, it’s time to schedule a consultation with our neuropathy specialist. Dr. Harrison can create a treatment plan to help decrease your neuropathy symptoms and improve your quality of sleep. As you complete sessions of neuropathy treatment at our center, you’ll notice a gradual improvement in the quality of your sleep and overall well-being.

Schedule a Neuropathy Consultation

Dr. David Harrison is proud to serve as a neuropathy doctor in Grand Rapids, MI. He was also named one of 2021’s Best Neuropathy Physicians in America. To schedule a consultation and learn if you’re a candidate for neuropathy treatment, please call the Harrison Neuropathy Center at (616) 363-0902. You may also fill out our online contact form and someone from our team will reach out to you soon.